As a Small Group leader, sometimes facilitating a group discussion can be challenging! Especially if there is someone who is talking or sharing constantly and not giving the opportunity for others to participate. Here are some tips to address the talkative individual and to encourage everyone to participate.
Sit beside this person. This reduces direct eye contact which can encourage verbal participation.
Politely interject when this individual is in the middle of a long speech and say something like, "You have made several excellent points - let's see if there is any response or thoughts to what you have shared."
Assign questions/answers to various members in the group so each person will have an opportunity to respond when their question comes up.
Don't be afraid to ask directly: "what does someone else think?"
Call on specific people to offer their perspective or what they found interesting. Asking someone different lets others in the group know they will get a chance to share as well, while also encouraging the talkative person to listen.
Encourage the talkative individual to help other people engage (if necessary). You could take them aside and ask them if they would like to help you encourage others to engage in sharing and group discussions.