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Below is a summary of the week and some questions to ask in your Tribe. Feel free to use any of the resources at the bottom too! The idea is that we are growing in our connection with God. 


Hello, we are glad you're here!

This week we continued the series we are calling Worth It, where we have been learning what types of things are worth the effort, even if society claims otherwise. In this weeks message, our guest speaker pointed out how God designed us to be in fellowship with other people. We are created in the image of the Trinity - God as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - not just in the image of ONE being. We are designed to be a family unit and a community of common groups of people.  



Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV)



The power of being connected:


1.   We will find Jesus there (Matthew 18:20)
The enemy wants to keep us from being connected to others because he knows that when we gather to grow our faith, Jesus will be in our midst. We may have excuses for avoiding getting into a Tribe, but even the most introverted and busy person needs to have time with others that helps bring more Jesus in their life. 

2.   Our faith grows better (Hebrews 10:24-25)
In the course of meeting regularly, we open up and share our struggles or victories with those in our groups. Doing this inevitably causes us to encourage others and feel encouraged in our faith. Sometimes it challenges us to overcome or persevere in areas where we have lost hope.


3.   We find healing (James 5:16)

In the most amazing ways, we can find breakthrough when we share our life with other Christ-followers. We can find freedom from things in our past when we release them to those we trust.

We pray that you are intentionally seeking community with others and God. Our prayer is that you feel the power of being connected in a small group.


If you haven't yet watched the sermon from this past weekend, we encourage you to check it out. The current sermon video will be available this Tuesday. Click on the link below to view:​


Recent TVC Sermon Video 


1. Who do you know that may need to "find" Jesus by connecting in a Tribe?
2. Is there an area of your life that you feel is lacking faith?

3. If there is something that holds you back in your faith, how can you gather the courage to release it so you can have freedom and healing?


Check out our leader Library. You can view it online by following this link. We have lots of videos and books to choose from that just might be a great fit for your tribe. 

Consider taking the Spiritual Gifts online assessment. Discover your unique God given gifts!

Questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you!

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